
love pro toto comes from the Latin „pars pro toto“: a part (taken) for the whole.
So love pro toto means: the love taken for the whole.

love pro toto
 is a piece of art in form of a „social network“.
Or better: a platform for love in the internet. is a „global social sculpture“.

love pro toto is the home of love for a world of love.

All people say „I love you“. Say „I love you“ to all the others.
For a world of love.


love pro toto is an art project for all people.  For all – with all.

If young or old.
If educated or not.
If rich or poor.
From here or from there.
Regardless of religion or customs.
love pro toto is for You.

love pro toto is an art project without any prerequisites.

Anyone can join and become an important part.
No one must be an art expert to join.
There are no conditions.
It is for anyone and for everyone.

love pro toto is an art project for all human beings.
An art project for all human beings who can express,  „I love you“.
An art project for all human beings who like to hear, „I love you“.

love pro toto is a lovely art project.

To say, „I love you“ makes one smile.  That is lovely.
To hear, „I love you“ makes one smile. That too is lovely.

I love You


love pro toto is on, home of love for a world of love

is a dream.
A wonderful dream.
A dream of a world of love.
A dream that we can make come true.
Let´s begin.